Sex Goddess Secrets to Raising A Sexually Empowered Kid
By MakeLoveNotPornstar and Ambassador Goddess Erica
A few years ago, my husband and I discovered our kid has a superpower. An extrasensory perception that attunes him to the energy in our home, we believe. It sounds like a joke but we’re genuinely convinced most kids possess this power — and that most parents have seen evidence of it. I’ve certainly seen my fair share.
We began to notice our son’s keen senses around age 3 when he learned to escape his room after bedtime. He’d tumble noisily out of bed and clop down the hall in attempts to sleep in our room with us. It would have been adorable had it not been for his consistently inconvenient timing. He was always interrupting our sex.
One night after bedtime stories, songs and hugs, hubby and I escaped to our room to wait in silence as our little guy drifted to sleep. There, we waited, listening intently for the sounds of a restless child preparing to leave his room.
We held our breath, silently straining our ears for even the slightest sound of a tiny person intent on ruining a good time.
At last we were alone and “off duty”. Our eyes locked as we sighed salaciously and folded into each other’s arms. Our hands and mouths gleefully sought our favorite places. We breathed in unison and moved together in a deep, hungry Tantric embrace. I accepted the pleasure my husband offered my body and felt my mind melt in indescribable bliss. I wrapped my legs around his neck. And then we heard the *tumble*.
In one synchronized acrobatic movement, we unraveled our bodies, snatched up the quilt beneath us and attempted to conceal ourselves before he reached the door. Except, my brain was slightly melted and I miscalculated how hard I needed to tug the fistful of quilt I grabbed. So, instead of making the blanket rain down over us, I punched my husband in the face, and his bloody nose rained down on me as our door creaked open.
The next day, our son drew a picture of “Dad’s bloody nose” in his pre-k journal. Savage.
As expected, we developed PKSD (Peeping Kid Sex Dread). Is that a real thing? Maybe? It’s pretty real to me. We had to accept we were raising the archnemesis of our carefree, unscheduled sex lives. But, similarly, we accepted the expectation that our carefree sex lives would survive the trials of parenting. In secret, we began to refer to our kid as Captain Cockblock.
Our kid — all kids, really — possess the ability to pick up on the energy we put out about sex. Especially when we’re attempting to conceal it from them. It’s a superpower propelled by curiosity that’s often ignored or punished. Instead of assuming these conversations are too advanced, my husband and I decided to encourage questions from our son while promising honest answers. About anything.
We first explained that Mom and Dad need time alone to connect and, yes, have sex. We now regularly talk about boundaries for ourselves and for him. We talk about self-pleasure and when and where it’s appropriate. We talk about consent. We talk about contraception and the menstrual cycle. We talk about STIs. We talk about porn.
Last month he asked me about foot fetishes.
Just yesterday, he walked in on hubby during a fap session.
Both situations resulted in open conversations that began awkwardly and ended with a more informed, sexually empowered kid.
Want more from Goddess Erica? Read another blog post to learn about the wonders of tantric kissing and be sure to become a MLNP member like Goddess Erica today!